Phase X


This piece represents the fight against cancer, moments of doubts, moments you want to give up and think you are a weight for others, but it is also about Hope, and the moment you divide to fight back.

Length: 12 minutes | Choreography: Cécilia Daninthe |

Premiere: February 2014 @ Bare Sole Showcase, NJ

Cedan Dance Company - Phase X (excerpts)



“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars” - Og Mandino

Length: 9 minutes | Choreography: Cécilia Daninthe |

Premiere: August 2014 @ The Tank Theater, NYC

Cedan Dance Company - freEntity (excerpts)



This piece is exploring the similarities between Caribbean Dance Techniques and Modern Dance. It is a tribute to Katherine Dunham.

Length:5’50 minutes | Choreography: Cécilia Daninthe |

Premiere: June 2015 @ Julia de Burgos Theater, NYC




Length: 3’30 minutes | Choreography: Cécilia Daninthe |

Premiere: June 2015 @ Julia de Burgos Theater, NYC


Study of our society, how we think we are free thinkers and free to do what we want when we are in fact living to the expectations of the society.

Length: 5 minutes | Choreography: Cécilia Daninthe

Premiere: June 2015 @ Julia de Burgos Theater, NYC