Une Etoile guadeloupéenne de la danse à New-York
Nouvelles Étincelles | April 2016
KaleiDANCEscope: A Shared Evening of Dance
Critical Dance | June 2015
Meet the Choreographer - Cecilia Daninthe
Hatch Presenting Series | April 2014
Ils sont Partis - Cécilia Daninthe
Le Nouvel Observateur | March 2013
Tropics Woman - Cécilia Daninthe Danseuse professionnelle
Tropics Magazine | October 2012
Potins de stars - Cécilia
TV Magazine | Week of September 22th - 28th 2012
USA. Cécilia Daninthe, la danseuse Guadeloupéenne qui cartonne à New-York
Caraib Creole News | January 31st, 2011
Cécilia Daninthe - La Passion de la Danse
Sport 97 | January 3rd, 2011